Hi Yi, I resonate so much with all of your observations, experience and frustrations on Substack. As always, you write with such clarity and succinctness. There is a lot I can learn from you.

I am facing the perpectual dilemma which you described very well: the "chatters" that "crowd out my writing time and blurs my writing intention."

It's an ongoing exploration, and let's hope that we will, in time, find the balance that suits our own writing and personal lives.

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Success formulas don’t come in “one size fits all”. Let’s all work on this together - finding what works for us individually. BTW, I am reading this great book “Indistractable” by Nir Eyal.

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I absolutely agree. "One size doesn't fit all." This has been my motto for over a decade (I used it in my nutritional coaching previously.) It can be applied to everything under the sky. Thanks for mentioning that book. I'll check it out.

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Mar 4Liked by Yi Xue

Your writing and your story is very inspiring. Thank you for sharing your experience and practical lessons.

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Mar 2Liked by Yi Xue

I’ve loved watching (reading) your stories, Yi. The growth of your confidence in yourself in the last year has been joyful to watch…I think it was there all along but you had to find it. Thank you for the often profoundness of your writing, always making me think !

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Thank you Sigrund, for being that encouragement voice cheering me on from day 1! ❤️

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I remember The Sandwich! That was you? I love how I found you (or vice versa?) even though I wasn't on Substack officially back then.

Yeah, you cover a lot, and I have a lot to say about writing that I'm sort of working on, but not really because, well, it's not pretty.

But I'm glad you're doing what you want and when you want. Other folks I think are full-time writers, but I have to work at a job-job and not that writing isn't damn hard work, it's just, how did other people get started? Someone was paying the bills, right?

Anyway, I'm glad you're here, xo

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I was not official on Substack when my first essay was published on it. It took a lot of encouragement from kind writers and mentors for me to be able to put myself out there. I am glad I did. And I am glad we found each other (and so many others),

Happy writing, and, be free to be ourselves 💕!

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I read all your posts many times, you are a good writer, just keep writing and excel it!

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Thank you Janice!

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Mar 1Liked by Yi Xue

I also struggle with the how-to's of writing. It feels like a lifelong journey/practice. I am eager to learn from others, but also to protect my space to develop my own voice. Thanks for sharing your journey. It's a joy to be on it with you!

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I am glad we met on Substack and that we are learning from each other on this journey together!

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Mar 1Liked by Yi Xue

I just read your first published piece, The Sandwich. So poignant, and so evocative. I loved it. (And may I say, I am incensed by your professor and your dorm's resident assistant just leaving you to fend for yourself that first week. It's inexcusable.)

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Thank you Bette! It was nevertheless the beginning of my independence, and the beginning of my transformation ;).

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