There is something in what you did here ~ “Humankind’s greatest desire is to be admired.” I would add 'appreciated' as I believe it is a close cousin. For some, that comes in the form of the corner office, the status, the pinnacle of worldly success (and admiration). But for me, other than dreaming of the smart suits and clothes, office work was not a good fit.

I think because I don't like to sit for long periods of time. I also have a hard time being in front of a computer for a long time, too. Folks who carry their laptop everywhere including their beds, I find odd.

But office spaces are important. Cube farms can feel depressing. For me, I needed to be among my colleagues. When I was moved away from them to a corner (with a window) space, so my boss could have me closer, I HATED it. I felt trapped and watched. I needed to be social to help balance out the flatfooted tasks.

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Admired, appreciated/rewarded, loved, wanted ... You get the gist :).

These are all nice things to have, what we need to work on figuring out would be - from who and for what :)

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